That's right, all five of us were sick AGAIN! Now I am battling to get rid of a wicked sinus infection as a result. The funny thing is I never really had any congestion up until the point I started feeling a sinus infection come on. For now I think the actual infection is gone and I am dealing mostly with pain from massive swelling in my sinus passages. I have dealt with this my whole life so I am pretty used to it by now. It still isn't fun though. Ever since I was 14 and had to have polyps removed I remember actually wanting surgery to get my nose fixed. I have an awful deviated septum. It actually is in the shape of an S so it's crooked not just on one side but both, which in turn makes it extremely difficult to breath especially when I have allergies and suffer from all sorts of sinus/nasal/breathing issues. I actually had an ENT look at my nose once and he said it was the worst deviation he had ever seen. That's gotta make you feel good. To boot I have extremely small nostrils and that makes none of my issues any easier. So hopefully someday I can have surgery. I am pretty leery about that though. I think my view on having any kind of surgery changed when I got married and had kids. I know everything would be fine but there is always that small risk that's sitting there in the back of your mind.
Anyway, I feel like a huge complainer right now but today was especially difficult. The pain in my face reached and all time high and I can honestly say besides childbirth and my kidney infections I have NEVER experienced that much pain. It was pretty bad. I was crying with my head in Mike's lap contemplating going to the E.R. I was so afraid to go for fear of yet again exposing myself to a breeding ground of germs because E.R.'s are not known to be the most germ free of places. I called my sister for some suggestions (she is a massage therapist and knows some good pressure points) and what she suggested worked great! Mike helped me with the pressure points and I replaced the heated rice bag with an ice pack to help reduce the swelling. WOW! It worked! I am still having pain but it is knocked down considerably! I keep icing for 20 minutes on/off. I also took a Tylenol a few minutes ago to see if that will take the rest of the pain away so I can sleep. It must be pretty swollen up there in my sinus passages because that was some pretty awful pain! Sheesh! I couldn't function. And I am thankful the worst of the pain was when the kids were sleeping.
Haylie was so cute when she got up from her nap today though. She is so empathetic. She saw that I was in obvious pain and came up, sat right next to me and stroked my hair and asked if I was going to be OK. What a beautiful spirit she has.
Everyone else in the house seems to be doing great right now. I am really looking forward to this break in weather! Hopefully this will mean no more sickies for the Perry family! I am praying for that! I feel like we have been out of the sync of "normal" life for so long! :)
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