Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Perry Family Photo 2010

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Heather said...

LOVE the family photo! I want one!!!
Oh, and how did you get the facebook thing on your page?

Corrie said...

Thanks! We just got them done yesterday. I was finally feeling better and my MIL is in town and has wanted me to get them done. We didn't but any but I do have the CD that I copied to my computer because we got them done at Portrait Innovations. She will be giving me some tomorrow and I know she will give me a ton but if I don't have enough copies to hand out I can just print some up. As far as the FB badge, go to the bottom of your FB page right under where your flair box is and it sayd "Create a profile badge" click on that then it takes you to a page where you can choose to add a badge to Blogger. Then your done.

Corrie said...

We didn't buy any is what I meant to say.