Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Back to the Routine of Life...

Well after Michael being off for three weeks he is back to work. His first day back was yesterday. It got kind of lonely but the kids and I made it through just fine. It was weird not having him there. It's surprising how fast you get used to something to then have it change once again. I guess that's life though. Haylie is now recovered from her Pneumonia and she is feeling completely better. She is her usual spitfire self. Ethan is still pretty fussy when he is sleepy. But I am getting the hang of reading his ques. I can tell when he is getting tired so I can quickly put him to sleep before he starts to cry, but with life and motherhood, there are those bad days here and there. Everything is going well with me, but I am getting a little frustrated! I am not losing any weight after having Ethan. My midwife told me my metabolism took a huge hit by having two babies so close. But the other really odd thing is that my milk production went way down. Now that might be due to the fact that Ethan is sleeping 6 to 8 hours through the night, but I did have blood work done to check my thyroid. I just had that done yesterday so I should hear the result within a couple of days. Hopefully everything will be fine. It's probably just my metabolism. I'm going to keep eating well, exercising and hopefully this weight will start to come off soon! Anyways, Life is good other than that! I will get some more photos up soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there and continue ti take care of yourself, give yourself a break! Your body has worked very hard in the past 2 years!
Love you,