Wednesday, October 10, 2007

YES! Five teeth all at once! This is what happens when you have kids so close together! Haylie is cutting her two incisors on the bottom and her two eye teeth on the top. Ethan is cutting his first tooth on the bottom. :( Both of them are not sleeping because of this, and it's driving me nuts! I think that when toddlers teeth it is worse when babies teeth. My theory is that in the toddler years kids suffer from what I call "Toddler Syndrome." Let me explain...if you have ever had a toddler you know that they are quite crabby. Not only crabby but they always what "up mama" or "down, down" or moan, cry, or any other REALLY annoying noise that will just drive you up a wall. They run around all day hitting their sibling making them cry too! Last but not least they are learning to talk, so they will learn how to say a word or a name of a body part and it's funny to them so they will go around ALL the live long day saying this word and running up to you pointing saying "nose", then you say, "Yes, hunny that is your nose", then comes "eye", "Yes sweetie that is your eye, please don't poke it out." And why do they do this? FOR NO REASON AT ALL! Then on top of all that, they are cutting teeth, which makes the "Toddler Syndrome" a thousand times worse! UGH! Well this time in life is very short, I know. Very concentrated, but very short. What makes all of this worth it is the smiles, the kisses, the "kiss my boo boo", the times when you can sneak in and see them peacefully sleeping all curled up. I love being a mom! I would go through a hundred days full of crying, just to get one hug or kiss, or see the safety you see in their eyes knowing that they know that you are MOMMY. It's a wonderful feeling. Knowing that they feel safe and protected when you hold them close. I love you Haylie! I love you Ethan!
Monday, September 3, 2007
I can't beleive summer is almost over!
Life seems to be good right now! It doesn't seem like it can already be September though! WOW! The summer just flew by! I am so sad that there will be no more pool fun or sand box play.... but we are getting into fall were the hayrides come with the pumpkins, donuts, and warm apple cider. What fun! I do love summer A LOT, but fall is my second most favorite season. Ethan is such a better baby now. He is now 5 months old and getting so big! We have put him in his OWN room, where he has peace and quiet. Now Michael and I have peace and quiet from all the adorable crying he did! He is on a regular nap schedule and much more pleasant because he is getting the rest he NEEDS! Now in retrospect it seems like "DUH!" he just needed a quiet space and a regular nap schedule, but with Haylie that didn't come until she was about 7 months old. I guess it is different with each baby and I know that now. Haylie is doing well! Every time we turn around she is learning a new word. Right now we are in the "NO!" phase. Haylie will be 17 months on the 11th of September. She is growing into her fabulous little personality!
I am joining MOPS this fall. I am very excited about that! I think it will be a great place to meet other mommies and have some time to myself. I am also going to be volunteering with the High School group at NorthRidge. I have an opportunity to be a small group leader. This has been something I have wanted to do for a while. I really hope to invest in the lives that are our future.
Meanwhile my parents are still in Europe. They will be back on September 12th. They first went to Prague in the Czech Republic and now they are finishing the trip with a visit to Italy. They have called and e-mailed several times and have told us that they are having lots of fun and seeing so many things. I hope someday Michael and I will be able to travel like that. I have never been to Europe, but I would love the chance to go!
Everything is going well with Ford. Michael is on the C crew at the Rouge. He doesn't like his shift. He is always so tired because it is a swing shift. 2 day shifts and 2 night shifts at 10 to 11 hours a day! He is pretty tired. We have talked about him going back to afternoons, but I don't know if it will happen.
Well...here's to a great and wonderful Fall! We hope and pray everyone is doing well!
God is so good! He has blessed our lives with so much!
I am joining MOPS this fall. I am very excited about that! I think it will be a great place to meet other mommies and have some time to myself. I am also going to be volunteering with the High School group at NorthRidge. I have an opportunity to be a small group leader. This has been something I have wanted to do for a while. I really hope to invest in the lives that are our future.
Meanwhile my parents are still in Europe. They will be back on September 12th. They first went to Prague in the Czech Republic and now they are finishing the trip with a visit to Italy. They have called and e-mailed several times and have told us that they are having lots of fun and seeing so many things. I hope someday Michael and I will be able to travel like that. I have never been to Europe, but I would love the chance to go!
Everything is going well with Ford. Michael is on the C crew at the Rouge. He doesn't like his shift. He is always so tired because it is a swing shift. 2 day shifts and 2 night shifts at 10 to 11 hours a day! He is pretty tired. We have talked about him going back to afternoons, but I don't know if it will happen.
Well...here's to a great and wonderful Fall! We hope and pray everyone is doing well!
God is so good! He has blessed our lives with so much!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Back to the Routine of Life...
Well after Michael being off for three weeks he is back to work. His first day back was yesterday. It got kind of lonely but the kids and I made it through just fine. It was weird not having him there. It's surprising how fast you get used to something to then have it change once again. I guess that's life though. Haylie is now recovered from her Pneumonia and she is feeling completely better. She is her usual spitfire self. Ethan is still pretty fussy when he is sleepy. But I am getting the hang of reading his ques. I can tell when he is getting tired so I can quickly put him to sleep before he starts to cry, but with life and motherhood, there are those bad days here and there. Everything is going well with me, but I am getting a little frustrated! I am not losing any weight after having Ethan. My midwife told me my metabolism took a huge hit by having two babies so close. But the other really odd thing is that my milk production went way down. Now that might be due to the fact that Ethan is sleeping 6 to 8 hours through the night, but I did have blood work done to check my thyroid. I just had that done yesterday so I should hear the result within a couple of days. Hopefully everything will be fine. It's probably just my metabolism. I'm going to keep eating well, exercising and hopefully this weight will start to come off soon! Anyways, Life is good other than that! I will get some more photos up soon!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Haylie has Pneumonia! We found out on Friday night after she had gone through a bunch of tests. She had come down with a low grade fever at first and I thought it was from her teething because she is popping 2 molars at the same time, but after her fever went up to almost 104 degrees we went to see the Pediatrician. It was awful! I had to hold her down while they tried to catheterize her and they had to take her blood so I had to hold her down for that too. She screamed and cried and my heart broke into a million tiny pieces! Finally they did a chest x-ray and they saw the pneumonia in her lungs. So she is on antibiotics for 10 days. She is already feeling much better and her fever finally broke this morning. We are so thankful that God is watching over her.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Brother and sister
Wow...it is July and I haven't posted anything since APRIL!!! So much has happened since then! Ethan is growing so big and Haylie is such a toddler! She is saying so many words now and Ethan is engaging in the human race! :) Ethan is smiling and laughing and cooing, Haylie is running and playing and getting plenty of attention from everyone! Michael and I recently had our 2 year wedding anniversary! Wow...2 years, 2 kids...One for each year! Life truly is crazy but we are making it. Having 2 kids is hard at times, and very busy, but it is fun and I love it. I wouldn't trade it for the world! Sometimes you can spend so much time looking at the past and looking at other peoples lives and become so envious. Then when you really sit down and reflect and pray you realize you have it all! God really does bless our lives. He protects us and takes care of us. We are His children.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Please pray for us...
We found out, at Ethan's 2 week old visit to the doctor, that he has a heart murmur. This shouldn't be a big deal because Michael, his sister and his dad had one. We have to go to Children's Hospital on May 2nd to see a pediatric cardiologist. He will do some tests and see what exactly we are dealing with. Like I said it should be no big deal but we would really appreciate some prayer! Thanks so much!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Michael, Corrie, Haylie and Ethan...that's us!
This is our first posting! I have never had a blog before so this is kinda new to me. I wanted something that people could go to to see how we are doing. This is us... The Perry Family! Haylie just turned a year old on April 11th and just before that Ethan was born on March 30th. We have so much going on in life and there is never a dull moment in our house! It's always exciting around here, that's for sure. Michael is switching plants here at the end of the month. He will be going from Michigan Truck in Wayne to The Rouge plant in Dearborn. I am doing well! Just adjusting to life with 2 kids. Things sure do get busy when you have a one year old and a newborn. I love it though! I wouldn't trade it for the world. God is good!
Psalm 112:1
Praise the Lord. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in His commands.
Psalm 112:1
Praise the Lord. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in His commands.
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