Friday, May 9, 2008

WOW! Spring flew by fast!

The springtime is a very busy time for the Perry Family. We had Easter really early this year for some reason, but I love Easter. We always pull out Passion of the Christ (which is a great movie to watch at Easter) but I don't think anyone would disagree that it's a very hard movie to watch. I always sob uncontrollably. After Easter there was Ethan's first birthday! That was fun! We had a party with close family and friends. We celebrated and had cake! It was a great time. April comes and we have Haylie's birthday, my birthday, then my niece Abby's birthday and my mom's birthday are on the same day, my niece Jaimie's birthday and then don't get me started on May! The springtime of each year always seems so busy but it also seems full of life, love and happiness. It's fun having all the birthdays. There is never a shortage of family time, oh, and cake! :) Charity and Demian added another celebration to April! They got married on the 18th in Nevada in the Valley of Fire. Congrats you guys! I will add pictures later!

Michael is FINALLY back in school. I think we are all getting sick of Ford Motor Company! I know it will be a few years but I am very ready for him to have a new job. He has started at Rochester College (a small Christian college in Rochester Hills) and is going for his counseling/psychology degree. I know he will most likely need his masters after this and that will take even longer, but I am encouraged. I know God is leading our family down this path and I also believe we will be blessed for being obedient. Crazy things are happening at Ford and that is why I want Michael out of there so badly. He is leaving Dearborn Truck. They cut his shift there. For a few days the company told us he was laid off indefinitely. WOW, that was scary! The hopeless feeling of your husband not having a job anymore is not something I want to relive. By the grace of God and in His infinite wisdom, the company was wrong and Michael can go back to Wayne Assembly plant, right next to Michigan Truck where he used to work before Dearborn. I know this is all so confusing. It's confusing to Michael and he works there! So we are not sure on all the details yet and nothing is 100% but it looks like things are going to be OK and our plan of getting our very own FIRST house will happens soon!

The kids are doing great! Haylie is two now and so smart! Her vocabulary just skyrocketed! I can understand and carry on an entire conversation with her. Ethan is 15 months old today! He is getting a lot of words and signs too. I started to sign with Haylie when she was a baby and it has worked great with both kids. It helps us to communicate with one another without words and without frustration which is an added bonus! They are getting so big! If you would like to see videos of them you can go to our YouTube page and watch all our videos!

The summer is a very busy time. We are never without something to do! We are always having play dates at the park and playing with friends. Life is so busy but it is so fun at the same time. I love being a mom and a wife! It is the most fulfilling job I have ever had.